Solicitation refers to the act of offering or accepting sexual favors for money or other benefits. A person who offers sexual favors in return for profit or services is equally guilty of solicitation charges, as the one who offers money for obtaining sexual favors.
The act of prostitution is not necessary for a person to be charged with solicitation. Solicitation is considered a misdemeanor. A skilled San Bernardino Solicitation Attorney at the Law Offices of Julian I Ducre can provide the legal representation you need.
Repetition makes incarceration mandatory and fines more severe.
With the help of an efficient attorney, you can develop a strong defense against solicitation charges, including those related to prostitution. The strategies employed depend on the following circumstances:
If you are accused of solicitation in San Bernardino, you are under serious threat. Julian Ducre is a dedicated and experienced criminal defense attorney. His tactics may prove effective in your case and may assist in getting the charges against you reduced or dismissed. Call Julian’s office today to schedule a free consultation:(951) 662-2022 or you can fill our form to get a free consultation
Defending clients throughout Inland Empire & Pomona Valley, including: