Under California law, the definition of prostitution is the engaging in sexual acts for the sake of money, goods, or other services. If you are facing prostitution charges, it is crucial to have skilled legal representation. Julian Ducre, a skilled San Bernardino prostitution lawyer, is dedicated to defending clients against prostitution charges and will provide you with the legal guidance needed to navigate the complexities of California law. With years of experience, Julian Ducre has the expertise to help protect your rights and achieve the best possible outcome in your case.
Even though prostitution is legal in some areas of the United States, it’s still illegal in California. If a person has been caught and charged with prostitution, he or she may be prosecuted aggressively. In some cases, prostitution charges may also be tied to drug crimes, particularly if drugs were involved during the incident.
Prostitution is recognized as a violation of law. For this crime, a court can impose the following punishments:
A skilled and experienced Prostitution defense attorney has many defense strategies against prostitution charges. To form a solid defense in San Bernardino, many points need to be taken into consideration, including whether there is sufficient evidence that you engaged in the act of prostitution or not.
If you are accused of prostitution, you are under serious threat. Julian Ducre is a dedicated and experienced criminal defense attorney. His tactics may prove effective in your case and may help you to get the prostitution charges against you reduced or dismissed. Contact experienced lawyers Law Offices of Julian to get a free consultation, or directly call us at: (951) 662-2022
Defending clients throughout Inland Empire & Pomona Valley, including: