The number of computer related crimes has been growing tremendously at the federal level, as well as the state level. With technological advancement, different kinds of cyber crimes such as child pornography, harassment, fraud, identity theft, and threats have become very common. Since cyber crimes are committed secretly and leave minor evidence, prosecutors face great difficulty in proving these crimes actually occurred.
Computer crimes may occur anywhere, including internet cafes, residential areas, and Wi-Fi hot spots. Computer crimes may be committed using different devices, including laptops, desktops, netbooks, tablets, smartphones, and e-readers.
In the past, law enforcement authorities were not well-versed in cybercrime forensics, so they were unable to investigate the crimes thoroughly. But now, law enforcement officers are educated in the particulars of computer crimes, making it much harder to escape from computer crime charges. The experienced Internet Crime defense lawyers team at the Law Offices of Julian I. Ducre has years of experience handling similar cases. As a skilled criminal defense lawyer, Julian Ducre and his team can provide the right legal guidance and defense strategy to protect your rights. Contact them today to discuss your case and receive the best legal advice.
If you are accused of a computer crime in San Bernardino, you are under serious threat. Julian Ducre is a dedicated and experienced criminal defense attorney. His tactics may prove effective in your case and may help you to get the computer crime charges against you dismissed or reduced. Call Julian’s office today to schedule a free consultation: (951) 662-2022
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