San Bernardino Criminal Threat Lawyer

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San Bernardino Criminal Threat Attorney

In the state of California, a criminal threat refers to the act of threatening someone in conjunction with any of the following scenarios:

  • The accuser becomes extremely afraid for his or her safety, or the safety of his or her family
  • The threat reflects a specific and clear intent to harm the accused
  • The threat is given orally, in writing, or through an electronic medium.

Penalties For Criminal Threats

Criminal threats may be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony. A misdemeanor may be punished with incarceration in a county jail for a maximum period of one year. A felony may be punished with incarceration in a state prison for a maximum period of 4 years. The imprisonment may be increased by one year if a deadly weapon is used. If you’re facing the same charges, contact Law Offices of Julian I Ducre firm their experienced Criminal Threat Lawyers team can to defend your rights by offering you legal help.

Possible Defense Strategies

A good criminal defense attorney looks at all facets of the case prior to the hearing. The attorney will look for plausible defense strategies depending on the circumstances surrounding the case. Possible defense strategies include:

  • The accuser is lying, no such threat was made by the accused
  • The threat is unclear or vague
  • The accuser cannot reasonably fear for his or her safety, or the fear is temporary

If you are accused of criminal threats in San Bernardino, you need a sound defense. Julian Ducre is a dedicated and experienced criminal defense attorney. His tactics may prove effective in your case and may help get the criminal threat charges against you reduced or dismissed. Connect with our experienced legal team to schedule a free consultation via our website or you can call directly at: (951) 662-2022

Defending clients throughout Inland Empire & Pomona Valley, including:

  • Fontana
  • Chino
  • San Bernardino
  • Rancho Cucamanga
  • Ontario
  • Pomana